My Investment Strategy
I consider myself a value buyer with a long-term focus but I will also take advantage of short-term opportunities when they present themselves.
I am definitely not a day trader. It’s a strategy that might work for some but is not something I believe I have the time and energy to execute successfully.
When I’m gaining with a stock, I prefer to let my profits run up as much as possible but won’t hesitate to sell when I feel the reason why I bought a stock initially no longer applies or that the stock has overshot its valuation significantly.
While selling too soon may be looked down upon in some circles as imprudent market timing, I won’t hesitate to take money off the table when I feel the present risk no longer justifies the remaining upside.
It is said that some of the most successful investors in history were able to build their wealth and keep it because they always sold too soon.
The way I see it, there are plenty of companies to buy into and I can always use the extra funds to buy another stock!